Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Ran My First Couch to 5k Last Week!

Thursday was a big day for me.  I ran for the first time.  This may not seem like big news to some, but for those of you who have never ran you know what I mean!  Read on and see how it went and what my motivation was.

I have always HATED running. No secret, I would tell everyone....but I think deep down inside it was really that I had NO idea how to run. I have always been into fitness but every time I would try running my shins would hurt or my knees got sore. Again, I really had no idea how to run.
Last Wednesday in my Personal Fitness Training class our teacher had us run what was supposed to be just over 2 miles distance , 4, half mile laps in about 20 minutes. I was worried because i was the only one in the class who had never run before. I managed to make it through 2 laps / 1 mile without stopping. I had to run/walk the other laps. My lungs were on fire. I felt good that I was able to run 1 mile without stopping, but I think my instructor was disappointed and when I told him I had never run before instead of being encouraging he told me "yes, I know, it shows!!!!!" (thanks a lot).
I went home that night feeling like the biggest failure, wondering how was I going to be a good role model for my clients once I get certified as a trainer? I talked with a friend about how I felt. it was nice to be encouraged. I realized that I am NOT a quitter. I CAN do this.

I started looking into a program called "Couch to 5k", that helps people like me who have never run before to get up and start moving. I am physically fit but my body is not used to running. I had been planning to sign up for a Couch 2 - 5k in my area but their classes are on a school night and I am way too tired after class to go running.

I went online and found out that there are websites that offer free Couch to 5k courses. I was ecstatic. This website offers links to C2-5k courses as well as Podcasts to download that will cue you when to run and walk with music, etc. Awesome.

This is the original and best site I found to get you started:

I downloaded my Podcasts here:

The above links are mixes by DJ Beatsmith and he offers lots of free music for running, workouts, etc.

I am going to try these as well:

I did it! I went out this morning and ran with the "week 1, day 1" podcast from DJ Beatsmith.
5 minutes stretching/foam rolling
5 minutes: Brisk walking cued by DJ Beatsmith
20 minutes: 60 seconds running, 90 seconds brisk walking
I continued with:
7 minutes brisk walking
90 seconds running, 2 minutes brisk walking for 2 rounds
5 minutes cool down
5 minutes stretching.

I Loved it. I was able to do it comfortably. When the session was over I actually started week 2 and did 2 of the intervals by the time I got back to my home. I feel good and inspired by trying something new.

The music was also very new and fresh to me. The first 5 minutes of brisk walking were amazing. My body just fell into the beat of the music and continued to to so for the rest of the intervals.

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